Ronald Blue CPA

New Website Helps CPA Firm Account for a Higher Purpose

Branding | Professional Services

Since 1977, “Accounting for the Mission” was the guiding philosophy of Ronald Blue & Co. CPAs. As the firm evolved and expanded, it recognized that its digital presence needed to better convey the practice’s unique brand. Read more here.

The Challenge

The website needed a complete overhaul with streamlined navigation for better user experience, clear pathways for staff recruitment, and ability to support business development.

The Solution

Relish Marketing created new site design and navigation that delivered an authentic representation of the firm’s team and clients, implementing an easily maintainable web platform.

In addition to updating the look of the website, it was evident that the firm’s continual growth and evolution would demand regular web maintenance. However, the existing site was not structured to permit simple content management.

A thorough audit of the practice’s existing website revealed opportunities to streamline navigation, aid in staff recruitment, and reinforce business development efforts. We created an open, easy-to-follow site design and navigation structure. Working closely with the marketing team, we crafted copy that reflected the firm’s identity. We also selected a new web platform that would enable the marketing team to maintain the site, and we provided training to help them manage content with ease.