Relish Marketing Brings Home the Win
AMA Atlanta honored Relish Marketing and Kimberly-Clark with two AMY awards for Kimberly-Clark’s Welcome Original Thinkers campaign. The awards were for best Web Campaign/Microsite and Social Media Campaign.
Relish Marketing has worked with Kimberly-Clark on talent acquisition since 2010, helping to develop their employer brand, creating college recruitment campaigns and other programs to attract top talent to the company. When Kimberly-Clark needed to help drive talented Millennials to careers at its North American Consumer Headquarters in Neenah, WI, they turned to Relish Marketing.
We got to work reviewing secondary research and conducting informal focus groups, and found that Millennials desire work opportunities where their unique ideas are both valued and accepted. They do not want to be “sold” on a career or company nor are they engaged by “corporate speak.” They value honest and direct language.
Based on these learnings, we developed the Welcome Original Thinkers campaign, which is anchored by a Buzzfeed-style quiz and content hub. The campaign speaks to Millennials using their own language and visuals, incorporating emojis as a core element.
Welcome Original Thinkers launched internally to Kimberly-Clark employees in August 2016 and to the public in October 2016. In its first five months, the campaign generated:
• 140,000 page views, and 48,000 unique visitors to
• 25,000 Original Thinker quiz completions
• 9,000 visits to the talent acquisition portal from the quiz page and content hub
Welcome Original Thinkers continues to grow and evolve. In 2017, we expanded the content hub to include Kimberly-Clark career opportunities throughout North America and plan to work with one of Kimberly-Clark’s iconic brands on a Welcome Original Thinkers initiative.
So what kind of original thinker are you? Take the quiz and find out: