Decisions, Decisions…

Business owners are continually faced with decisions. Some of them are about the work we do – and those are typically easy because they rely on the experience and knowledge that made us business owners in the first place. But some decisions – the ones surrounding business growth and industry change, for example – are bigger. And, often not as easy.

Right now, I’m excited about expanding Relish. We recently expanded the team to include new senior talent. And we’re completing plans for a physical expansion and renovation that will add 1,500 square feet to our office space and some much needed flexibility to our individual and collaborative capabilities. Construction is scheduled to begin in a few weeks (fingers crossed!).

On one level this decision has been terrifying. I’m working with some pretty big numbers here. But we wouldn’t have this opportunity without the success we’ve generated – both for ourselves and our clients. Exciting, yes! But, sometimes the leap from “Should we?” to “We should!” is hard to take. So, how do you cross the chasm?

When I’m faced with major decisions, I seek comfort in process. I look to experts in various, related areas – and I seek their candid advice. I look for people who have perspective and knowledge in areas where I don’t have expertise. I have a business coach. I have financial advisors. I have a legal team. They provide information and insights that help me gain a valuable perspective on the business of Relish. How does our growth trajectory match up with other companies of our size and in our industry? How have other leaders dealt with the challenges of expansion? And, what can I learn from their failures as well as their successes?

But factual information is only half of what I need. The other component has to come from my own strengths and intuition – the ability to recognize that little voice in my heart – or sometimes in the pit of my stomach – that says, “Yes. This is right.” Or, in some cases, “No, not yet.” Then, I triangulate the intuition with the advice and the data, which usually gives me a pretty clear picture of what to do.

Finally, once the decision is made, I go for it. I don’t believe in second guessing. After all, what’s the old saying about being bold? You have to trust in your ability to make the big leap; it’s impossible to cross a chasm in several small steps.