Brand Strategy

Betty Crocker cookbook

What Betty Crocker Taught Me About Branding

Along with Maxwell House Coffee, Life Cereal and Charles’ Chips, Betty Crocker was a mainstay in my Mom’s kitchen. While I enjoyed eating Charles’ Chips (and who wouldn’t, since they were the best home delivered infusion of oil, carbs and salt…

Should Ted Lasso Refresh the AFC Richmond Brand?

A few months ago, we explored some fictional brands from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Arrested Development, and The Simpsons. The story was fun for us and popular among our followers, which inspired us to do it again. This time we’re looking at…

Messaging Platform

Why Messaging Matters (and All That Jazz)

Messaging is a big part of your brand. When we talk about all the components of brand development, we often hear some version of, "We understand our company so well — why do we need messaging?" Indeed, most people who know their businesses well can…

Brand Photography

Let’s Talk Pictures: The Importance of Brand Photography

If you’re like most people, you don’t know why you can recognize any given brand. You simply know that you do. In fact, you probably don’t even need to see the company’s name or logo to recognize a given brand’s ads, website, social media, packaging…

Bring Your Brand to Life

One of our favorite things at Relish is conducting brand strategy workshops. In these sessions, we guide clients through our 360° Brand Framework, a series of exercises designed to help them better understand and define their brands. After these…

Does Tony Stark Need a Brand Refresh?

Fictional Brand Analysis 'Tis the holiday season! This year, I thought I would treat myself professionally by indulging in one of my passions: Pop culture analysis. While pop culture and marketing cross over quite a lot, I've decided to focus on…


What is Brandfluence?

At Relish we define strategic branding as the process of closing the gap between who your organization is and how it’s perceived through the eyes of your stakeholders. Let’s take it a step further. How do you close the gap? We’ve developed a…

These Changes will Impact your Marketing Agency in 2023

Over the past year, companies have been learning to thrive in a world that is, in many ways, remarkably different than one from two years ago. The ways we conduct business is changing and becoming more virtual. The brands of today are not the ones…

2023 Marketing Trends

The Marketing Trends Shaping 2023

Over the past year, companies have been learning to thrive in a world that is, in many ways, remarkably different than one from two years ago. The ways we conduct business is changing and becoming more virtual. The brands of today are not the ones…


Rethink, Refresh, Revitalize: The Trend Sweeping Senior Care Organizations

A trend has pulsed through senior care communities over the past few years: More and more of these organizations are refreshing their brands. Of course, brand refreshes and rebranding efforts are typical across all industries, but specific…